Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What To Do When Your Child Glues Her Eye Shut

Everything<a href='' target='_blank' class='infotextkey'>Health</a>

This little girl accidentally got Super Glue onto her eyelid.  She came to the doctor without pain and she was able to move the eyeball under the lid but could not open it.

Her doctor in Decatur, Ala gently irrigated the eye area with normal saline and applied antibiotic ointment and a gauze patch over the eye area but the lid remained stuck together.  The next day he was able to gently pull the lid open.

If you should ever glue parts of your body together with Super Glue (cyanoacrylate), the treatment is easy.  Acetone, the ingredient found in nail polish remover will dissolve Super Glue.  A Q-tip with acetone, gently applied to the area, will dissolve the bond without damaging the skin.  Don’t pull the skin apart, but gently roll or peel it.

If Super Glue gets in the eyeball, the eye protein will disassociate from it over time.  A warm sodium bicarbonate solution eyewash will help remove the adhesive.

Photo/story credit: Consultant


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