Monday, November 1, 2010

A Robot To Talk You Through Your Diet


Agence France-Presse (AFP)??is reporting that a new robot, designed to help people lose the pounds, will soon be available on the U.S. market.

The Autom from Intuitive Automata was designed to act like a personal coach, talking you through a personalized diet and helping you to stick with it.

From the product preview page:

You can talk to Automa?¢ for just a few minutes a day to help you keep track of how you’re progressing towards your goals. No two conversations with her are alike, and she’s always ready to give you encouragement and advice to keep you going. You tell her what you have eaten and how much you have exercised, and she remembers it all. Whenever you want to see your progress, just ask her and??it is??there for you.

In a recent randomized controlled study, we compared people using Automa?¢ to people using a computer-based system or a paper-based system for keeping track of how much they were eating and exercising each day. What we found is that Automa?¢ helps people to stick with their diets for nearly twice as long as with other methods. This is a big difference [and]??could mean the difference between another yo-yo diet and a lasting change.

Product page: Autom…

More from AFP: Robot takes on battle of the bulge…


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